
A Recent Conversation


I have been dialoging lately with someone about our different views of religion and worldviews. Here is an email I just sent him:

"I just want to give another thought about our previous discussion about worldviews. I imagine I come across as a bit sheltered and perhaps narrow minded. The fact is my first degree is in Religious Studies. That means I studied the major religions besides Christianity like Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism. I had courses in the sociology, anthropology and psychology of religion. I also took courses in world religions and philosophy. These were taken at California State University and taught by non-Christian professors. I have been exposed to and openly explored what worldviews are available. Based on our conversations I am assuming you are a theosophist (though you may not know it) since you believe in a god and that there is truth of him in most if not all religions.
I tend toward the rational side so I look for logic in my belief system too. In my academic studies and personal experience I can tell you that Christianity is philosophically and intellectually superior to anything else out there. Only Christian theism can answer life's questions in a consistent and rationale manner.
So I do not hold my beliefs based on a sheltered life, on the contrary I am quite the shopper and look for the best deals. I have checked out the competition and nothing even comes close to being a Christian (unless you are willing to give up rational thought). Just wanted to let you know where I'm comin' from."

I don't think this is too in your face, but it does let him know my point of view. What do ya think?

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Positive Mental Attitude


No posts here for a while. To sum up what is happening in my life- I have had a tremendous turn around due to changing my attitude and being more positive. The exact opposite of the cartoon here:

I wouldn't say I have the "believe in myself" philosophy, but I do have the "believe in God's belief in doing something with my life" philosophy. Very cool.

I decided to launch CMP University and was able to do it and get 23 beta testers in about 5 weeks. That has opened other doors and I am basking in the possibilities as I let God show me what can happen when I trust him and take chances.

I think what happened with Will was incredible, but I will wait until he decides to tell you about it.

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